
An extraordinary testimony

Our ancestors left many traces of their existence. First and foremost, of course, are civil and parish records, which enable us to situate them geographically and in time. Then come other sources, some richer in information, such as censuses and especially notarial deeds.

More rarely, we can find photos or objects that belonged to them. The testimony presented here is extraordinary in its nature and message. It concerns a calvary erected at the request of a couple, Laurent Krieger and Catherine Baglé, in the countryside of Huttendorf, a small village in the Bas-Rhin department, Alsace, France.

The black plaque at the foot has inscriptions in German. :

The top section is a quotation from the Bible. The middle section is an invitation to prayer, and the bottom section names the people behind the monument. Here is the transcription in contemporary German, and a translation in English.

Top section
Laset uns auf Jesus dem Stifter und
Vollender unsers Glaubens hinsehen
Es an die Hebr : Kap :12 V. 2

Middle section
Wer hier 5 Vater unser 5 Ave
Maria, und den Glauben betet
erlangt einen Ablasz von 40 Tag.

Bottom section
Dieses Kreutz hat Errichten lasen
Lorenz Krieger und Chatharina Bagle,
Von Hüttendorff

Let us look to Jesus the founder and
perfecter of our faith
Letter to the Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 2

Whoever here prays 5 Our Fathers 5 Hail
Mary, and the faith
obtains an indulgence of 40 days.

This cross was erected by
Laurent Krieger et Catherine Bagle,
From Hüttendorff

This calvary tells us a great deal about this couple. It’s clear from the monument and the inscriptions that religion was an important part of their lives. What’s more, its construction and erection was a costly affair that only a wealthy couple could afford. Finally, it’s highly likely that this couple owned the land on which this construction was built, which means they owned land in the village.

Hi, I’m Claude GEYER

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