Making an ancient text speak
In Alsace, as in other regions, genealogical research sometimes comes up against linguistic problems. For example, Protestant parish registers were written in dialect, and civil status records during the periods of annexation (1870-1918) and occupation during the Second World War were written in German. They are not always easy to decipher, as the following two examples show.
This record, written in “Deutsche Kurrentschrift”, registers the birth of Karl (Charles) Metzger, son of day laborer Andreas (André) Metzger, living in Koenigshofen no. 137, of evangelical religion, and his wife, Anna, née Geyer, of evangelical religion, born on July 27, 1895. The oblique notation in the margin states that he died on September 27, 1895.
Source: Archives d’Alsace, Strasbourg site, Strasbourg birth register, 1895, document number
The second example, a notarial deed dating from 1790, is taken from an after-death inventory that is rich in genealogical information, as it gives us the list of the deceased’s living children, who inherit from their father, as well as the name of their guardian, Michel Frion, a citizen of Niedersoultzbach, who takes charge of these children as their mother has already died.
Extract from the post-death inventory of Jakob Geiger and Maria Magdalena Frionin, drawn up on November 10, 1790 in Obersoultzbach (Bas-Rhin).
Source: Archives d’Alsace – Strasbourg site, document number6E17/61, deed no. 104.
Transcription in contemporary German:
[1] Dergleichen sind vorhanden zur Väterlichen
[2] Erbschaft und 2 Terzen der Errungenschaft
[3] 1. Georg Geiger 22
[4] 2. Michel der 21 Jar alt
[5] und
[6] 3. Andres Geiger so 14
[7] und
[8] 4. Katarina Geiger welche 8
[9] Die Mutter und eine Terz der Errungen-
[10] schaft erben gleichfals diese 4 Erben, für welche
[11] sich Michel Frion der Bürger von Nieder-
[12] sulzbach als Vogt darstettet und zu Sicherheit
[13] des in Verwaltung bekommenden Vermögens
[14] das seinige Verpfändet
[1] In the same way, the following are present for the estate
[2] and 2/3 of acquests
[3] 1. Georg Geiger 22
[4] 2. Michel who [is] 21 years old
[5] and
[6] 3. Andres Geiger approx. 14
[7] and
[8] 4. Katarina Geiger who [is] 8
[9] [the property of] the mother and one third of the acquests
[10] also inherit these 4 heirs, for whom
[11] Michel Frion, citizen of Nieder-
[12] soultzbach presents himself as guardian and guarantor
[13] of the goods received to manage
[14] pledges his own property
Thanks to my skills in German paleography, I can provide you with valuable information to advance or complete your genealogy or family history.