Writing the history of a property

A house, a family farm, a monument – in a word, a building – also has a history. It has been built, sometimes enlarged or transformed, even rebuilt or, in some cases, destroyed. Its use may have changed, and it has certainly changed owners several times, through sale, death or donation.

This history can be established through the use of numerous archives, including ancient and modern land registers, notarial deeds, tax documents (mortgages and registration of notarial deeds) and census records.

This history is intimately linked to that of its owners, which is why their lives are included in this chronicle.

Photos, plans of the building(s) and the land registry, and diagrams illuminate the text.

All the information gathered forms the material used to write the story of this building, which can be printed and bound into a book.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d be happy to discuss your needs and goals.